Here’s a way to organize how you can GROW THROUGH things
I love Michael Beckwith’s way of describing 4 stages of consciousness
You can fluctuate through these various vibrational levels
Recently, it’s helped me to look at where I am at a given moment to see how I can GROW THROUGH life
The first stage is TO ME - this is where people tend to be. It’s the Victim role. I don’t mean this in a negative way because we’ve all been there. Stuff happens. But how can we grow through it? Give up the blame game.
That takes us to the BY ME stage. Yes! Thoughts become things! We have so much fun practicing setting intentions and manifesting in the world in a conscious way. No longer a victim here. But could it be even easier? How to get into that magical state of flow? Step into intention and give up control.
In the THROUGH ME stage you are guided by divine intuition. This is the creative flow state. You learn to surf the waves!
Ready for more? Give up separation. Step into the oneness of all things
This is the AS ME stage. I realize I have infinite love for myself and my fellow being. I am love. 🌟🌟🌟
It’s not good or bad if you’re in one stage or another. They are different experiences. We are here to grow through and it gives us joy to grow in these vibrational levels. If you’d like to experience being on a higher vibration (highly recommended!), then you can use this organization to help you be that.
With love,
Dr. Arlene Dijamco
The MultiDimensional MD

I’ll be talking more about this tomorrow live with Maudy Fowler. See link in profile.
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